14 July 2014

Preparation for FinnTriathlon Joroinen - by Jyrki

5.7.2014: Olympic distance race exercise

Now it was my turn to compete :-) A friend have organized these Olympic distance races between friend for many years already. I was invited for the first time last year, but then it did not fit into my plans. This time the timing was perfect.
The race was organized in the same place than the short distance race a week before. We just doubled all the distances.
The weather was sunny and the water temperature was a bit higher than the week before.

Swim: 1500m
The swim was not very easy for me this time. Normally I use earplugs to keep the water out. Now I did not find any so I had to swim without. The problem I get is that water gets in to the ear and it totally ruins my balance. Not only when coming out of the water but already while swimming.
The time out of the water was 32:14.

Bike: 40 km
The bike route was a bit different than the last weekend. We had to make two left turns on the route which is not always good, but the traffic was quite limited this day.
I did catch up all but one competitor during the bike ride, but it still doesn't feel too good. My average speed was just over 35 km/h while in Joroinen half distance last year it was 36+ km/h.
The time for the bike was 1:06:09.

Run: 10 km
Running is actually starting to feel really good. We ran a 5 km course twice, and I was only overtaken by two runners...:-)
The time for the run was 46:13.

Including the transitions the end time was 2:27:40. It is around 7 minutes faster than my time in Kuopio last year, but it is really impossible to compare the two races...

Thanks Jarmo for organizing this!

12.7.2014: Tervaetapit and an Olympic distance aerobic exercise

No smiling!
Last weekend was a busy one for us. Our club organized a cycling race on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Niina was the official doctor of the cycling races and I helped with traffic control. 
The weather was really hot.
Niina was riding in a air conditioned car watching the races while I was standing in the sunshine getting eaten alive by bugs. I should have gone to medical school... :-)

We were helping out as much as possible but we were still able to squeeze in an Olympic distance exercise at a low pace for both Niina and me. Niina just had to organize for a substitute doctor for the race during our own exercise.
My coach Lasse joined since he also has the Joroinen FinnTriathlon next weekend.
It was an easy just under 3h exercise. We had good time to discuss all possible training issues and plan for the next year.

This week will be easy with some shorter speed exercises.
Thursday is our last day working before a well deserved holiday.
On Friday we will leave for Joroinen and then we will see if the speed is good enough to go sub 5h...

- Jyrki

01 July 2014

OTC triathlon - by Jyrki

This weekend it was time to arrange our clubs own triathlon race.

This is a practice race, not an official one.

The idea with this race is to give people who are new to the sport a possibility to attend and to get an authentic experience.

Personally we entered this race 2 years ago with Niina. Back then it was our first triathlon experience. Today I was the "Race Director" :-)

Hopefully I will be able to compete in a 5150 race next week in the same place... ;-)

We were 58 participants in the race. 2 juniors and 56 adults.

My wife and my sister Pia.

Just before the start...

And off we go :-)


 Results women:
  1. Anu Junnila           1:10:39
  2. Johanna Vesa         1:10:51
  3. Niina Salokorpi     1:11:57

Results men:

  1. Panu Lieto              0:52:39
  2. Jouni Kukkonen    1:01:11
  3. Arto Wallin            1:01:31

30 June 2014

Midsummer ride and weekend in Pyhä - by Jyrki

The midsummer weekend is a big celebration in Finland. Everybody goes to their summer cottage, lots of food (barbecue), lots of beer, swimming and sauna.
We decided to cycle as long as we can,  from Oulu to Pyhä. Together with friends to a cabin in Pyhätunturi.

Defender charging...
Oulu - Pyhätunturi
We had Mika's old Land Rover Defender with a big trailer as a service car for the trip. We also had another car for people transport.

First stop in Yli-Ii
First we had the intention to go by car to Yli-Ii and then cycle as long as we can towards Pyhä. Unfortunately the weather was going to be cold and rainy in Pyhä, so we decided to start cycling from Oulu as long as possible.
We cycled all day on friday.
Me and Niina cycled 161 km's. From Oulu to Ranua.
It was surprisingly tough this time...

On the saturday we really only relaxed. Me and Niina went geocaching and looking at the beautiful nature up north. Sunday morning we only packed our stuff, cleaned the cabin and headed home.


A big thank you to: Niina, Maija and Mika, Johanna and Juha, Riitta and Tommi + kids for a really relaxing weekend.

- Jyrki

Click to open image...

27 June 2014

The training plan start - by Jyrki

Finally we got to start the real training with my coach Lasse.
It took some time before we could start since it seemed that I was a bit over trained after the marathon. I went to the doctor to have some blood samples taken. From the samples my own doctor (Niina), our work place doctor and Lasse could all see that there is no other problem ongoing which means that I was not enough rested after Mallorca and the marathon. My work doctor just said that he could see that the body had been punished... :-)

Basically after Mallorca we had gone on day-by-day basis with the training. The first week of the picture below was the first week that we had a complete training plan.

Themes for the coming weeks

Weeks 25 - 29: Muscular endurance and balance
Weeks 30 - 31: Speed
Weeks 32 - 33: Taper for Kalmar IM

This is what the first two weeks looked like. It is in Finnish, I don't even know all the terminology in English... :-)

Running 15.6.2014
Viikkosuunnitelma: viikko 25
16.6.2014 – 22.6.2014 
Ti Sangin tempo 10 km (kisavauhti) + loppujäähdyttely fillarilla 20 min + palauttava
juoksu 20 min
Ke Saliharjoitus. Harjoitus 2: Uinti 2 km, josta 10 x 50 metriä nousevalla vauhdilla
(palautus vetojen välissä 30 sekuntia)
To Uinti 2500 metriä (kevyttä, tekniikkapainotus)  
Pe Sali + päälle juoksu – pyörä (spinning) yhdistelmä: Pk 5min + 5 min, 4 + 4 min, VK
3+3 min, 2 + 2 min, 1 + 1 min.
La Uinti 750 m, pyörä 3 x 10 min (ala vk – ylä vk) + juoksu 5 km, josta ensimmäinen
km 4:30, loput 6 min/km
Su Pitkä yhdistelmä 3,5 tuntia, PK ala. (Fillari 2h + sauvakävely 1,5 h)

Viikkosuunnitelma: viikko 26
23.6.2014 – 29.6.2014 
Ti Sangin tempo 10 km (kisavauhti) + palauttava juoksu 20 min
Ke Juoksu 15 km. 3 km lämmittely ja sen jälkeen kilometrin välein vauhdin (5 – 10
sek/km) lisäys aerobiselta kynnykseltä anakynnykselle.
To Uinti 3 x 1000 metriä IM –vauhdilla. Palautus välissä 2 minuuttia.  
Pe Sali + päälle juoksu – pyörä (spinning) yhdistelmä: Pk 5min + 5 min, 4 + 4 min, VK
3+3 min, 2 + 2 min, 1 + 1 min.
La Uinti 4000m (kevyttä). Päivän toinen harjoitus: Pyörä 1h 15 min PK – VK ala.
Su Pitkä yhdistelmä 3,5 tuntia, PK ala. (Fillari 2h + juoksu 1,5 h)
25.5.2014 Modified "Sangin Tempo"
I was not able to perform all exercises due to e.g. the midsummer ride we did. But Lasse will always tell me what the most important sessions are and I try to do everything as planned.
I have a really good feeling about the training plan. I am just a bit disappointed that there has been to many disruptions where I have not been able to fully comply with the plan.

There will be more of this kind of updates in the future :-)

Happy training to all!

- Jyrki

09 June 2014

3 easy weeks after Terwa... - by Jyrki

My training sessions have been really easy after Terwamaraton. On of the main reasons has been that my Orthostatic HR measurements have been a bit weird...
June 2nd

Maybe I am suffering from some kind of stress symptoms from the Ironman 70.3 race and added cycling trips on top.
Then 2 weeks after the race I ran the marathon. Now it feels that the added cycling tours on Mallorca after the race was not a good idea... It was great fun, but from an over-training point of view, not so good... ;-)
June 3rd

Now was also the first chance we had with Lasse to review my mobility and muscular balance. There really was place for improvement... 
I got some really good exercises to do for the next 4 weeks. On top of these exercises I have been "allowed" to do 60 - 90 minutes easy workouts.
I also visited my doctor to get blood tests to confirm that it is only over-training... Should get the test results tomorrow.

June 4th
When we get the test results, Lasse will start to plan the weeks for  Kalmar Ironman.

I have tried to take it easy, and it has actually felt really good, but...
I am anxious to start training harder again...

Buoys waiting for some paint...
In the mean time I have been planning our own small triathlon race that we will have on Sunday the 29th of June.
It will be an unofficial sprint race (750m, 20 km, 5km). The venue for the race is Virpiniemi (https://goo.gl/maps/dg0W1). Next year we will be planning an official race here ;-)

Last week I got the possibility to take the Inbody body composition test. Again my muscular mass was on the high side and very surprisingly my fat mass was on the low side... Well, 13.1 % is low for me ;-)

 Visceral fat was really low for persons of my age and height!

The machine did not have anything to suggest for change in weight, fat mass or muscular mass ;-)

I hope that I will be able to start training harder again soon. I will update the progress here soon...

- Jyrki

25 May 2014

Easy week and Terwamarathon - by Jyrki

Easy week...

The start of the week felt like I was completely recovered from the last race (click).
I Still had to take it easy since I was going to run our home town marathon, the Terwamaraton on Saturday of this week...

My plan was to test the pace that I think that I would be able to keep during the marathon part of IM Kalmar in August. From my running exercises I was thinking that 6 min/km would be a good pace. That would mean an end time of 4:12 for the marathon part. I think it would be a really good pace since my best marathon time ever is 3:34 (Kiiminki 9/2013). 6 min/km is also quite hard to run... it feels like the legs does not want to run that slowly... :-) Well at least if felt like that before...

Beginning of this week however my coach analysed my running at Mallorca Ironman and decided that it would be best if run at 5:30 min/km for half the distance and then increasing the speed a bit. So, it was not going to be a long easy run after all... :-) First of all when telling me to increase the speed a bit, you have to define "a bit..." :-)) I just asked Lasse if he will get enough information from the run, for us to be able to define a reasonable pace for IM Kalmar. The answer was yes, and we will get more info from Finntriathlon in the middle of July. I was actually really happy to "be allowed" to run faster. Running faster is more fun :-)

Race day... 

I slept the night quite ok. This was not a "big" race so I was quite relaxed. I tend to be a little bit nervous on the last night before big races. It is a positive feeling but still affecting the sleep. But now there was no problem since it was not the purpose to break any personal records this time. This time it was supposed to feel good.
The evening before we read an interesting article on race day breakfast from Ironman.com. We discussed it with Niina and I decided to try to follow the basic principle. But "Low glycemic, low fat, low fiber" is actually not that easy to find. I tried to google what foods would be like this but the glycemic index issue seemed fairly complex... ;-) So in the end I did not take it too seriously this time...
I took my faithful "Bar Bike" to the Raatti track and field stadium where the race center was built. The feeling at the stadium was really nice. They have been able to build a really nice happening around the Terwamaraton in the last few years...

The weather was really nice. Sunny and way over 20 degrees Celcius.

The Race...

At 12:00 the gun went off and we started of from just outside the stadium. As always, the start of the run is really slow since there are so many people. I positioned my self just ahead of the 4:00 Pace maker. I decided to really try to set off with the right pace this time, and not to go with the flow. The flow at the beginning is normally way too fast ;-)
After around 5 km the running got easier and there started to be more space to run. I was doing quite well and keeping the planned pace. Heart rate was easily below 150. My aerobic threshold is 154 and anaerobic threshold is 169. So below 150 is feeling really easy. Some screenshots below from Polar Flow.
The first half
When we started the second round, I increased the pace as planned. First it was going quite well... The next 9 km the pace was slightly higher, heart rate was higher than I wanted. It was still feeling quite good. At around km 26 - 27 I started to feel some problems in my thighs... Not feeling that good anymore.
Still feeling rather good...
At 30 km it started feeling really bad... My legs were completely jammed. It was a pain to run and I even had to walk for some bits to ease the pain. When I tried to run, I was not even capable of keeping 6 min/km :-) I was actually laughing at this point. It is good to get these feelings every now and then. 
Let the suffering begin...
 My net time in the end was - 4:00:53
Actually it would not have been a bad time for this test run, if it would have felt better in the legs. Now I am not happy with the result.
I got a short massage after the run. Walking was really painful,  I was not so happy with the thought of cycling back home :-) 

I decided to have a pit-stop at the Oulu market place on the way home. I had a "lonkero" in the Keltainen Aitta. The sun was shining, the legs were starting to feel better...  
All-in-all it was a good day.

Next steps...

Now the real preparation starts for Ironman Kalmar on the 16th of August. Before that of course there is the Finntriathlon on the 19th of July.
The planning will now start together with my coach Lasse Seppänen. I know we have to start working at least on mobility, core strength and weight. I would suspect that there will be slightly more running during the summer than what I did during the winter and spring... 

To be continued...

- Jyrki

21 May 2014

Mallorca 2014 - by Niina

Now my second half-triathlon is done. It was a good experience, teaching me a lot. After we both managed to pass Joroinen so well, better than expected, I got an inspiration again for keeping up training.

All my life I have been addicted to physical activity, so for me triathlon just made me plan my trainings better, though adding maybe a bit of an extra stress to my fast life. That’s why I decided not to get a personal trainer, since I knew that it will be hard to properly fulfill the program and it will make me feel bad. Due to my shifts and science work, I don’t have as much time as I want to train. Also normal work sometimes is so stressful that when I get home, I am so tired physically and mentally that I can’t make a hard training. And as a mother and a woman I do have much things to do at home.

Well, I took it easy in September-October, trying a lot of Pilates, yoga, stretching, BodyPump etc. additionally to normal cycling and swimming. And I didn’t run at all. My knees recovered and little by little I started running 15 minutes at a time before or after BodyPump trainings. My knees approved it and I continued adding running time, but never run more than 2 times a week. And only once during all preparation season I run for 2 hours at once.

Three months before the race I managed to get 6 weeks with proper rhythm of 9 hours trainings per week. 2 weeks hard and an easy week with only half of the exercise time, and then a new 3 weeks cycle again. And then I got the flu. Ignoring common sense I started to practice far to early and got an even worse flu, with a need for antibiotics. I finished to consume antibiotics just 10 days before the race. Due to this, my training hours during the last month before the race dropped to 4-5 per week. I didn’t swim for over one month. I didn’t swim in wetsuit at all this year. But I had nothing to loose anymore. I got completely well a week before the race, and arrived to Mallorca healthy and excited about the race to come.

It was very useful to have a previous experience of half-distance. I knew exactly what is waiting for me. Swimming was to be better than in Joroinen. Nothing can beat sunny beach with yellow sand and blue clear water! I knew that running would be slow and hard mentally. But I didn’t know what to expect from cycling in the mountains. I have always managed to get up the hills with no problems when doing it at my own pace. But how much time will I loose going up? And how will I manage to go down, with my really bad habit to be scared and use brakes too much due to it! As funny as it sounds, I discovered this winter that using a scooter to cruise from one department to another at work, I improved my balance and ability to do cornering on the bicycle too. But anyway I didn’t have a clue what time it would take me to ride 90 km in “slightly uneven” environment.

I have to thank Susanna for planning our arrival time, and booking really good accommodation!  We had good time to assemble the bikes, try them out, go to swim with wetsuits and run a bit. Preparations went perfectly and in time. Due to warm weather conditions actually all you had to put into the T1 and T2 bags were shoes, gels and sunglasses. Next time I will also put sun cream ;-)
In the morning we had a nice 2 km walk to the race area. For the first time I went before the race to warm up into the water and swam a bit. The beach was full of people and the day promised to be hot. We were lucky to start early.

The Swim:
When I took my place on the start area, at first I thought that I am among the last ones, but surprisingly later discovered being somewhere just past the middle. When I started my Polar  1 minute before the start, my heart rate was 134, though I felt very good. I felt excited but not nervous at all. I walked peacefully some steps before getting into the water. And then I just concentrated on the swimming. There were a lot of swimmers around me, some coming on, and across and being in front. But I just got into some meditative state, concentrating on breathing and gliding, and doing peaceful strokes. I felt that my hands are not strong enough to do proper strokes yet, and thought that I should get more power in them in future. I didn’t make a single mistake with breathing, always on the 3rd or 5th stroke, breathing always on different side in turns. Since there were a lot of swimmers and vision was perfect, I didn’t have to navigate too much and the line I went seemed to be very straight. Only problem was that for the very first time the suit started to do abrasions to my neck before even half of the distance was done. So it was pretty painful and kept me awake. I rushed out of the water, not in a crowd surprisingly. It was very good to see Jyrki on the side looking at me and shouting that I am doing well.

The Bike:
Off to the bike I rushed. I calmed down at T1, checked the bike and equipment and run with the bike forward. One woman in front of me was trying to mount the bike too early, and people shouting to her. I remembered how nervous and confused I was at my first race in Kuopio in 2012, when I tried to do the same mistake.  And I was happy that now I managed to keep well concentrated.
As usually jumping on the bike felt tremendous!
There were a lot of people riding, and I was afraid to race to fast or to get penalty for drafting. So I rode carefully and a bit slowly. Soon I heard and saw Virva passing by. It was good to see her and she inspired me to add the pace and start passing others more actively. I kept her in my vision field. When the mountain started, I went careful at first, speeding up little by little. Well it felt long and hard, but not too bad. On the top of the mountain I closed in on Virva, to hearing distance, we changed couple of words and she disappeared behind the corner on the descent. I never managed to catch her anymore, and saw her next time while running. I managed to go downhill better than I expected. I remembered how two years ago in the same mountains Ilkka Järvimäki taught me to ride downhill, riding in front and “drawing the lines”. So I imagined that he is there riding in front of me, with me, helping me to fight my fear. This way I managed to keep calm and peaceful to ride down the hill without breaking too much. I remember thinking that the descent is too long, my legs are waiting for the battle!
And then under the hill I pushed all I could out of my legs and enjoyed riding to the end of the distance. When a strong wind came in the middle of the potato fields, I laugh that it’s just like at home on the Tyrnävä fields!
At T2 one kind British woman offered me her sun lotion, and I put it on the neck and shoulders, forgetting about the fresh abrasions on the neck. Well, some more adrenalin came to my blood with the sharp pain that it caused.

The Run:
Now I was running. My legs were not bad, small cramping feeling in femoral muscles just above the knees, but it was for good – more sure that my patella will follow the correct path. My feet were numb and some strain pain was in the left toes, but I didn’t want to stop to look and it finished after a while. I wanted to walk a bit in beginning like I did in Joroinen, but it appeared to be impossible – everywhere there were crowds of people cheering, I would have felt ashamed to walk! Running was a pain! More mental, I think, since my legs worked perfectly, my technic was good and there was no ache anywhere. I had to force myself to make every step! When I looked at the Polar to my astonishment I discovered that I am doing very well, and that I have a chance to do the race under 6 hours. So I just pushed. I started to feel that gels don’t suit me anymore and went on drinking water and Cola, to keep the stomach contents inside me. And I even managed to squeeze some acceleration out of myself while running to the finish line! During cycling I shouted cheering greetings to competitors that were passing me and whom I passed. I also tried to chat with someone while running to get my attention away from run itself, like I did in Joroinen. But… On the first round everyone was running faster than me, on the second round nobody wanted to chat, and on the second round I passed others and also were not in the mood for chatting anymore.
After the finish line I stayed there close to it waiting for Jyrki, whom I assumed to arrive within 10 minutes.  Petteri came to the finish, hugged me and told that Jyrki is coming soon. But Tiina and Susanna arrived, and there were still no sign of my beloved husband. I already started to think that he is now in an ambulance, when he arrived, tired but alive J Some posing to official photographer, a bit of food at the after-party and we left to pick up the bikes.
We stayed for some more days for cycling vacation, and in spite of feeling like getting sick, I did cycle and caused myself again a new antibiotic with temporary asthma medication and one week sick leave.

Well, I learned a lot from this travel:
1. Put Vaseline everywhere where it is possible to avoid abrasions, even if you have never had one there yet.
2. Do more triceps exercise, you can swim faster!
3. Use better sun lotion, and leave it waiting for you in the T2 bag.
4. Do the same (look point 3.) to your husband.
5. Practice more running, longer time running to catch up the routine of it.
6. Exercises for muscle and mobility like “Markon prässi” are very useful.
7. Separate race-vacations from cycling-vacations. Plan no more than two days cycling and walking peacefully in flat landscapes after the race before going home.
8. Medical kit should always include remedies for sunburns (Aerius 5 mg x2 p.o.,  Bepanthen lotion and some cortisone lotion locally in case of burns), some needles and wound care stuff for hematomas around the toes and of course Burana and salt tablets.
9. And never train when you feel like getting sick!!!!

About my husbands decision 
I think Jyrki has lived already in accordance with this decision during one year at least. Now it got a form and became “official”. I am happy that Jyrki got Lasse as a coach. In spite of all previous experience and books, articles etc, it is still a big difference when a professional looks after how you train. Especially when you have to train 10 - 15 hours a week! Without supervision you can more easily damage your health without significant positive results. 
It is always good when one has an target in his life. Especially such targets that are rather like signs on the road one walks. A sign that shows where the next one is, and next one etc. Thus requiring constant movement. Roads are for walking, not destinations! Reaching the target makes you happy just for a short moment, but walking towards it keeps you happy and satisfied with your life during all the travel.
Then last but not the least: when a woman can choose to have either a husband siting on the sofa in front of TV gathering overweight, or devoted active triathlete, do you think she will hesitate even for a second what to choose?
As for me, I think since I am not planning to do full distance, but do plan to defend PhD thesis,  I am not in a need of a personal coach at a moment. Maybe later. But now I am happy, as I am. I have my training routine, I learn to feel my body and adjust my trainings little by little. And I don’t have any pressure about results of my races. I just want to have fun participating in them with my husband and friends. 

18 May 2014

Big happenings and big decisions... - by Jyrki

A long time since the last post. Now it felt like the right time to continue.
We have been home from Mallorca for a week now and I have been pondering on some things regarding my life...

Mallorca Ironman 70.3
In Mallorca we attended the Mallorca IM 70.3 race. There was 9 of us from Oulu, from which 5 were competing in the race.

We came down to Alcudia on Thursday the 8th of May.  First I assembled my own and my wifes bikes and then we took a small test ride to check that everything is working.
On Friday we went down to the Ironman Expo area to enjoy the atmosphere :-) It was really great being here at last. We have been waiting for it, and training for it,  for a long time.
We took care of the registration for the event  and then we checked in our bikes and transition bags. I even had some time to take a hair cut.
On Saturday we woke up at 5:45. We had some quick breakfast and headed out for the transition area at 6:50. The girls in our group had their start at 8:00 but my start was not before 9:15. So I had plenty of time to even cheer the girls when coming out of the water.

The swim went amazingly well. I was thinking that I should be out of the water in 40 minutes.  My time in the end was 35:49 which was a huge surprise to me!
I started the bike quite hard. I was doing around 35 km/h for the first 22 km. Then we hit the climb...
In the end my average speed was 32.5 km/h and I am very happy with that.
The run part was really hard. Flat, but extremely hot. Close to 30 C. I targeted an average pace of 5:00 min/km. My time in the end was 1:50:36 which makes an average of 5:14 min/km.

Great time on Mallorca! We will definately go there again.

I have now been training for, first the Joroinen half triathlon 2013 and then the Ironman Mallorca 70.3 2014. I have done it on my own without any real target more than to keep fit. I have been very happy with the results.

2 months ago I decided to hire a personal trainer/coach. We started with Lasse Seppänen 5 weeks before IM Mallorca. There had been some time already when I was not sure anymore on what kind of exercises I was supposed to do. Now I got some help with that.
I also started to think about what I could accomplish if I really set my heart to it... I am not a young guy anymore, I will turn 47 in September :-)

On the trip to IM Mallorca I started to think about my life. My kids are 12,13 and 16. The older ones live with their mom. I really do have enough time to put into training. I could try to see what I could accomplish when I grow up :-) I discussed this with my wife and we came to the conclusion that it might be something to try.
Kona in age group 50 - 55? That would be cool... ;-) Maybe not possible, but why not try...

On my easy 90 min Nordic Walking in the woods today I happened to stumble upon my coach. He was on an easy MTB ride. We had a long talk and it seems that we will start planning not only for Ironman Kalmar 2014, but also for the next 3-5 years... :-)

I will be updating this Blog with issues regarding the target made public here today! Niina will also update here training as well.

- Jyrki