27 June 2014

The training plan start - by Jyrki

Finally we got to start the real training with my coach Lasse.
It took some time before we could start since it seemed that I was a bit over trained after the marathon. I went to the doctor to have some blood samples taken. From the samples my own doctor (Niina), our work place doctor and Lasse could all see that there is no other problem ongoing which means that I was not enough rested after Mallorca and the marathon. My work doctor just said that he could see that the body had been punished... :-)

Basically after Mallorca we had gone on day-by-day basis with the training. The first week of the picture below was the first week that we had a complete training plan.

Themes for the coming weeks

Weeks 25 - 29: Muscular endurance and balance
Weeks 30 - 31: Speed
Weeks 32 - 33: Taper for Kalmar IM

This is what the first two weeks looked like. It is in Finnish, I don't even know all the terminology in English... :-)

Running 15.6.2014
Viikkosuunnitelma: viikko 25
16.6.2014 – 22.6.2014 
Ti Sangin tempo 10 km (kisavauhti) + loppujäähdyttely fillarilla 20 min + palauttava
juoksu 20 min
Ke Saliharjoitus. Harjoitus 2: Uinti 2 km, josta 10 x 50 metriä nousevalla vauhdilla
(palautus vetojen välissä 30 sekuntia)
To Uinti 2500 metriä (kevyttä, tekniikkapainotus)  
Pe Sali + päälle juoksu – pyörä (spinning) yhdistelmä: Pk 5min + 5 min, 4 + 4 min, VK
3+3 min, 2 + 2 min, 1 + 1 min.
La Uinti 750 m, pyörä 3 x 10 min (ala vk – ylä vk) + juoksu 5 km, josta ensimmäinen
km 4:30, loput 6 min/km
Su Pitkä yhdistelmä 3,5 tuntia, PK ala. (Fillari 2h + sauvakävely 1,5 h)

Viikkosuunnitelma: viikko 26
23.6.2014 – 29.6.2014 
Ti Sangin tempo 10 km (kisavauhti) + palauttava juoksu 20 min
Ke Juoksu 15 km. 3 km lämmittely ja sen jälkeen kilometrin välein vauhdin (5 – 10
sek/km) lisäys aerobiselta kynnykseltä anakynnykselle.
To Uinti 3 x 1000 metriä IM –vauhdilla. Palautus välissä 2 minuuttia.  
Pe Sali + päälle juoksu – pyörä (spinning) yhdistelmä: Pk 5min + 5 min, 4 + 4 min, VK
3+3 min, 2 + 2 min, 1 + 1 min.
La Uinti 4000m (kevyttä). Päivän toinen harjoitus: Pyörä 1h 15 min PK – VK ala.
Su Pitkä yhdistelmä 3,5 tuntia, PK ala. (Fillari 2h + juoksu 1,5 h)
25.5.2014 Modified "Sangin Tempo"
I was not able to perform all exercises due to e.g. the midsummer ride we did. But Lasse will always tell me what the most important sessions are and I try to do everything as planned.
I have a really good feeling about the training plan. I am just a bit disappointed that there has been to many disruptions where I have not been able to fully comply with the plan.

There will be more of this kind of updates in the future :-)

Happy training to all!

- Jyrki

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